Phillips Cousins

A few of the Cousins
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The descendents of David Nelson "Bud" Phillips and their families comprise the Phillips Cousins. The Phillips Cousins are just that, cousins. The photo on the left is very representative of the cousins and is also a great photo from many different standpoints.
Other relatives of David Nelson Phillips are also included in the site as they are family and friends as well. Uncle Dan (Daniel D. Robert Phillips) and Grand Pa Phillips (Ray Van Phillips) lived beside each other. Aunt Adell, Uncle Dan's wife, used to keep me as a child and she was the one that introduced me to CHOCOLATE GRAVY! Oh my is that good! With fresh hot biscuits and a glass of milk, you have a breakfast fit for a King or even two Kings.
Join us here and remember or even introduce yourself to family members young and old, all descendents, ancestors, or relatives of David Nelson "Bud" Phillips.
Start your visit by clicking on Family to see "Bud" Phillips or click on Surname Index to start at the family member that you are most interested in.