Phillips Cousins

A few of the Cousins
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Phillips Cousins Reunion
Now sit back, relax, pick a date from the entries on the left and enjoy a reunion even if you were not able to attend. One click and you are there.
Each year, on a Saturday in May, the Phillips Cousins reunite to have family fellowship, food, and good entertainment. Also each year, two different families are highlighted and copies of family photos are given to each attending family.
The 2004 Reunion was held on May 15th, 2004. The food was great as usual and the conversation was even better.
The 2003 Phillips Cousins' Reunion was held on May 10, 2003 at the Double Springs Community Center. The musical program was provided by members of the family and it was absolutely great! That year, Sam Phillips and Elza (Phillips) Anderson were honored.
In 2002, Miss Minnie Bell dropped by to tell us of her latest adventures. "Boy, they sure wuz somethin." Ray Phillips and Effie (Phillips) Roberts were honored. A good time was had by all.
Information on Next year's Reunion, scheduled in May 2005, will be available soon. Make plans to attend now and prepare that special dish! See you there!
Contact us for more information on the Phillips Cousins, the
Reunion or general questions.