
Mike Alexander
Fall Creek Falls State Park, TN

A. C. Alexander
Phillips Cousins
Joseph Roberts
Upperman High
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Funny Answered Questions

Q.  How many blondes does it take to put in a new light bulb?

Q.  Let's say that you got on a Metro bus to go to town.  There were 3 people on it when you got on.  At the first stop 3 more people got on and 1 person got off.  At the next stop, 4 people got on and none got off.  One person that got on had her toy poodle with her.  At Spring Street, 6 people got on and 5 got off.  At Main, 7 people got on and 5 got off.  What was the color of the bus?

Q.  If your PC crashes at 3:00 A.M. on Saturday morning, what do you do?

Q.  If you had your choice of flying a P-51 Mustang or a B-17 Flying Fortress, which one would you fly?

Q.  If you had a Mustang, a Cobra, and a Camero, how many hot cars would you have?

Q.  What happens to every honest politician that gets elected and goes to Washington D.C.?

Q.  How can you tell if someone has a perfect head?

Q.  What is the absolute best present that you can give to a bald man?

Q.  Are you having a good time?

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